Want to engage with your residents but don't know where to start or don't have time?

Official Voice specializes in providing public agencies responsible for mosquito control with quality content for social media platforms like Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram and more. From content creation to full social media management, Official Voice can give you the peace of mind you need.

Hi, I'm Joe! I can help

With over 18 years of REAL field experience in mosquito control, actually out spraying, setting traps, eliminating breeding sources, and engaging with the public at county fairs and classroom education programs, I have been where you are at.

I know what it is like to be out in the field and wanting to do something more. I understand the struggles of educating the general public and know the challenges and pressures of the day to day workload. Let Official Voice help by educating the public while you protect public health.

Let's work together

Official Voice offers content packages to meet the needs of your agency. Packages include weekly, monthly, and quarterly posts and are custom branded for your agency.

Post Content includes subjects on vector borne disease, mosquito biology, invasive species, source reduction, and so much more.